Promotion of Rural People Centered Development Initiative

The project redesigned based on earlier in depth evaluation and emerging socioeconomic-political-cultural scenario, has given stress on socio-organizational capacity building, support for sustainable livelihood, women empowerment, capacity building on gender and sustainability, promotion of small groups, networking/lobbying for democratic rights etc. The efforts of Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society on varied development initiatives, progress achieved and impact perceived thereon are presented underneath:

Early Childhood Education Centre:

The Early Childhood Education center isrunning at Madanmohan village ofChangual Gram Panchyat inKharagpur-II Block has equipped children of 3-6 yrs. in functional skill of development. While preprimary educations in non-formal methodologies are imparted to them,
their articulation abilities and communications skills are developed through dramatics, role play, rhymes, songs, dances and chorographical venture. Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society Members and volunteer are every day collect the children from their family.Avarage 25 children attend the center.

Animal Welfare:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society is very much committed to the development and protections of companion animals and
domestic animals. Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society run a Goshala at Kantageria Village of Changual Gram Panchyat in Kharagpur –II Block of PaschimMedinipur District and small health clinic for the animals . The number of animals served and sheltered under reporting period was 460 which included dogs, cows, disabled old bulls, goats, cats etc. The organization has also conducted health camps numbering 8 in different villages of Kharagpur-II Blocks. The villagers co-operated highly in the venture. They brought their domestic as well as companion animals numbering 150. The animals have been immunized and treated with great care. This was an immaculate service for the animals.their articulation abilities and communications skills are developed through dramatics, role play, rhymes, songs, dances and chorographical venture. Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society Members and volunteer are every day collect the children from their family.Avarage 25 children attend the center.

Community Health Programme through Homeopathic Dispensary:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society is instrumental in bringing health consciousness among tribal’s and dalit populations. Through severe informal meeting, awareness camp, the dalit women and men have been given knowledge inputs on health care particularly for women and children. The organization runs one homoeopathic clinic which is regularly attended by 20-30 women and children on average. The clinic demands a merge money from the patients to sustain the project and maintain the project with medicines and other cost inputs.

Women Empowerment and Adolescent Development:

One of the prime focuses of Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society is women and their need in our society. Women are still unorganized deprived and marginalized. In our target area most of the women are early school leaver or non-school goer. As such, they are not immediately employable. Our motto is to 60% engaged in their own business enable them to generate income and self-employment. In view of this we have promoted self-help group and provided vocational skill development training.

Tailoring, Knitting, Stitching &Zari Patch Work:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society were starting Tailoring, Knitting, and Stitching & Zari Patch Work Training Programme for women. The training programme was started on the month of April 2021 to June 2021 at Madanman, Changual, Paschim Medinipur. 40 no of women and girls were trained by Professional trainer.

Beautician Training Programme:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society were starting Beautician Training Programme for women. The training programme was started on the month of October 2020 to December 2016 at Madanmohan, Changual, Paschim Medinipur.30 no of women and girls were trained by Professional trainer.

Vermin Compost Ajjola Farming Training Programme:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society were starting Vermin Compost Ajjola Farming Training Programme for women and girls. The training Programme was started on the month of July 2021 at Kantageria, Benapur, PaschimMedinipur. 30 no of women and girls were trained by Professional trainer.

Fish Farming Training:

Those are also one the important renounces of the rural economy realizing theaspects of the rural economy. Realizing the aspects, the
organization organized Training camps, on Pisciculture. The beneficiaries were both the fish farmers and SHG Members, proper treatment and for good cultivation the awareness already built up for which the proper fish cultivation i.e. management of pond and fish disease, control of weed,fresh water fish cultivation, pearl culture etc. The training Programme was started on the monthof August, 2021 at Kantageria, Benapur,PaschimMedinipur. 70 no of fish farmer SHG Members were trained by Professional trainer Agriculture

Farming Training Programme:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society were starting Agriculture FarmingTraining Programme for farmar. The training Programme was started on the month of August, 2021 at Kantageria, Benapur, Paschim Medinipur. 30 no of farmer were trained by Professional

We have promoted self-help groups, imparted the above skill development training, offered them bank linkage and credited linkage, arranged selling outlets and extended hand holding support.

Awareness Towards Different Issue Related to Women:

In our society a majority of women are still victims of family violence, dowry torture and many other social stigmas, even their physical and mental health is being neglected, they are always neglected in decision making and bound to obey the male members of the family. They are also deprived in respect of wages, and they are not aware of their socio-legal rights. As a result they are often exploited and cornered. We offered our programmes to make them aware about their own rights, to organize and unite them to raise their voice for their own, to bring them into the process of asserting rights, greater say in decision making process and to enable them to be aware of gender inequality. The following programmes have been offered to address these challenges.

Legal Awareness Camp on Women:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society organize Awareness Camp at Kantageria ,Benapur, Kharagpur, Paschim Medinipur on
25 th November,2021. 60 women are present on this Legal Awareness Camp. Resource person and organization expert volunteer are describe the legal low and rights for women

Consumer Awareness Camp:

Consumer rights are violated from hotels to hospitals. People are given adulterated food, medicines with very high cost. Essential commodities are notavailable due to suppression and hoarding of dishonest traders. It’s so important to organize consumers so that they can assert their rights. Our target village people are unaware of many things. Hence our society has organized awareness and motivation programmes in Kharagpur-II Block. During this reporting period the concentration was mainly on consumer Awareness. All the women took active part in this programme. They raised many questions and doubts. The resource persons cleared all the doubts and questions meaningfully. All the participants were happy. The participants requested us to conduct many more programmes like this in the future and also in other related topics too.

Awareness Camp on Child Rights:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society arranged Awareness Camp on Child Rights at Kantageria ,Benapur, Kharagpur, Paschim Medinipur on 14th March,2022. 80 women are present on this Legal Awareness Camp. Resource person and organization expert volunteer are describe the legal low on child rights. Awareness Camp on Global Warming:-Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society arranged Awareness Camp on Global Warming at Kantageria ,Benapur, Kharagpur Local, PaschimMedinipur on 21th April,2021.80 no of people are present on Global Warming Awareness Camp. Resource person, scientist and organization expert volunteer are describe the effect of Global Warming. Resource person and scientist are request all participate to planted tree their own house premises. Plant tree save environment.

Awareness Camp on Water & Sanitation:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society arranged Awareness Camp on “Water & Sanitation” at Kantageria ,Benapur, Kharagpur, Paschim Medinipur on 16th Marchl,2021. 50 no of people are present on this Legal Awareness Camp on Water & Sanitation. Resource person and organization expert volunteer are describe all details.

Awareness Camp on Child Marriage and Dowry:

Awareness programme on different relevant issues of peoples social, economic and health sectors. The Resource persons are aware to Women’s about Dowry, Early Child Marriage and Child rights. The Camp held on 16th March 2021 at Balarampur Village.60 Women’sare Participate on this Camp.

Seminar on Gender Equality:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society arranged “Seminar on GenderEqulity”. At Modanmohan,Changual , Kharagpur Local, Paschim Medinipur on 16th Marchl,2021. 80 people are present on this Seminar on Gender Equality. Resource person and organization expert volunteer are describe the rights for women

HIV/AIDS Awareness Camp:

Santals and Lodha men and women generally migrate seldom to other district or border states like Orissa and Jharkhand in quest of income. They work in the agriculture field, construction industry, brick kiln, building construction, coal field etc. The tribal women are often victimized and exploited sexually at their working places. Many often they are compelled to make sex with number of men. The tribal men being away from their families often are involved in illicit relationship with their co-female workers. Hence both male and female tribal’s are susceptible to sexually transmitted diseases and HIV/AIDS. The tribal’s are still not very much vulnerability of HIV/ AIDS and they are often obscured with some kind of superstitions or others. Their illiteracy and ignorance are often suicidal and their access to information is very limited. Keeping this in view, the organization has emphasized on advocacy programme on HIV/AIDS among Santal and Lodha Community at Kharagpur-I and Kharagpur-ii Block. The organization has arranged Santali Street theatre participated by Santhal depicting different aspects of HIV/AIDS from the spread to care rehabilitation of the victims and also on control and preventions

Road Safety Programme:

Now a day Road accidents are very common phenomena. Careless approach may cause end of one’s life. Our dedicated workers have visited the schools to make this student aware of Road Safety. It’s a new venture for the organization as the people are in participatory mood and intend to abide by the rules and regulations of the traffic. Bombay Road and Kharagpur link Roads are highly accident prone area and there should be awareness among people to know various aspects of road safety regulations. It’s not with the urban sector only but for the people from rural areas of Kharagpur-II and Kharagpur-II Block who often travel to different destiny should know the mode and principle of traffic so that they can avoid unnecessary mishap. It’s in this context to aware rural and urban population on traffic rules, Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society has organized 3 awareness camp at different villages of Kharagpur-II Block and Kharagpur Town. The organization has involved students of secondary School in this venture. This programme was started January 2021.

Intervention Regarding Community Health:

The suffering of the people from a number of diseases such as malaria, diarrhea, dysentery, typhoid, tuberculosis, leprosy are due to poverty, malnutrition and lack of safe drinking water, ignorance of health care principles. These challenges was addressed to a great extent through promotion of community health, adoption of preventive measures, health education.

Diabetes Checkup Camp:

Health is always a secondary priority sector of the community, because people are not aware on the importance of Health in brightening their living standard. Healthy living is also linked up with productivity. Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society organize a Diabetes checkup Camp at office premises of Madanmohan, Changual, Kharagpur Local. 184 public checkup diabetes by doctors of Kharagpur Sub-Divisional Hospital on Gandhi Jayanti 2nd October 2021.

Intervention Regarding Environment:

Due to increase in use of inorganic fertilizer, pesticide, plastic, fuel, and other pollution creating agents ecology has been disturbed largely. To combat the situation we have promoted the idea of –
1) Awareness creating regarding the cause and effects of pollution
2) Awareness generation to stop the unwanted use of plastic.
3) Plantation of pollution combating plants (Alfa Alfaetc).
4) Use of bio-fertilizer

Plantation Programme:

The Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society have planted 500 trees in Goushala, Kantageria villages of Changual Gram Panchayat. Tribal women and men have taken active participations in initiating social forest.

Sports Development Programme:

The organizations have initiated both indoor and outdoor games for the youth of the area.While carom is very popular to the local youth here; but emphasis has been given to the development of rural sports through outdoor games like, Cricket, Vollyball, Badminton, Football, Kabadi. It’s apleasure that a number of Youth have been showing tremendous potentiality to become good footballer and kabadi players.Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society members are arranged a training programme on Sports Developments Local clubs members are participate on the training programme. The programme held at benapur gousala.

Multi Gym:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society running the multi gym for local youth and children at Madanmohan,Changual,Kharagpur Local, Paschim Medinipur. Every day average 12 youth and children are come and practice in organization Gymnasium hall. Total 25 member in our Gym center.


Barnalmala Educational and Cultural Society running the Library for mass at Madanmohan, Changual, Kharagpur local,PaschimMedinipur. Total number of book 1000 is stock in our library .30 member also read the library book.

Observe The National Important Days:

To maintain our National Heritage we already celebrate the National important days as like as observation day in the previous year. We celebrate and observed the birth of World renewed poet Rabindranath Tagore on 9th May. We observed the National Days like Independence Day on 15th August, 5th September Teachers Day the birth day of S.Radhakrisnan ,2nd October to observe the Birth day of Mahatma Gandhi
(The Father of the Nation), Children day on 14th November for paying homage to the Late First Prime Minister of India Jawaharlal Nehru. We celebrated the birthday of Swami Vivekananda on 12th January as Youth Anniversary Day, 23rd and 26th January to observe the birth day of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose and the Republic day of India. In those programme we tried to introduce the ideological
concept to maintain the National Heritage, which is glorious to every citizen of India. Through the activities many men, women, children and eminent personalities and patriot like living Freedom Fighter participated, honored the Chairs, and delivered quality lectures on that concept in the programme.

Rabindra Jayanti:

A scintillating performance was given by the organization volunteers, children on the auspicious Kabiguru Rabindra Nath Tagore’s birthday. There was prabhatpheri in the morning. After prabhat pheri there was a discussion session on “Rabindra Nath Tagor and rural reconstruction”. Teachers, Pradhan, panchayatof the area attend on the auspicious day. Students numbering 150 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The Dakghar play was produced by the children. Audience are enjoy the Dakghar and clapping.

Kazi Nazrul Birth Day:

A scintillating performance was given by the organization volunteers, children on the auspicious bidrohi kavi Kazi Najul Islam’s birthday. There was prabhat pheri in the morning. After prabhatpheri there was a discussion session on “Kaji Najrul and rural reconstruction”. Teachers, Pradhan, Panchayat of the area attend on the auspicious day. Students numbering 100 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The students are produced Dhumketu. sang and danced enthrall the audience.

Pt. Deendayal Upadhay Birth Day:

A scintillating performance was given by the organization volunteers, children of Madanmohan village on the auspicious Pt. Deendayal Upadhay’s birthday. There was prabhatpheri in the morning. After prabhatpheri there was a discussion session onPt. DeendayalU padhay “ and rural reconstruction”. Teachers, Pradhan,panchayat of the area attend on the auspicious day. Students numbering 140 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function.

Dr. Ambedkar Birth Day:

A scintillating performance was given by the organization volunteers, children of Madanmohan village on the auspicious Ambedkar’s birthday. There was prabhat pheri in the morning. After prabhat pheri there was a discussion session on “Dr.Ambedkar and rural reconstruction”. Teachers, Pradhan,panchayat of the area attend on the auspicious day. Students numbering 150 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The play was produced and children sang and danced enthrall the audience.

Independence Day:

Independence Day is celebrated on 15th August to commemorate its independence from British rule and its birth as a sovereign nation on that day in 1947. Flag-hoisting ceremonies are conducted all over the country. The Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society truly believes that helping the needy is the best celebration for this special day. Therefore, we too is going to organize the Society’s biggest programme every year on 15thAugust A wide range of activities would be held on the Independence Day programme serving various target groups in need of help in the region. Students numbering 150 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The play was produced and children sang and danced enthrall the audience.

Teachers Day:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society teachers & Students are celebrate the birth day of Sarbapally Radhakrisnan on 5th September 2020 Students numbering 50 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The children are sang and danced and celebrated Teachers day.

Gandhi Jayanti:

A scintillating performance was given by the organization volunteers, Teachers ,children on the Father of Nation Mahtma Gandhi birthday. There was prabhatpheri in the morning. After prabhatpheri there was a discussion session on Mahtma Gandhi and India independence. Teachers, Pradhan,panchayat of the area attend on the auspicious day. Students numbering 100 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The “Satyagrha” play was produced and children sang and danced enthrall the audience.

Children’s Day:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society teachers & Students are celebrate the birth day of Pandit Jawarharlal Neheru on 14th November 2021 at Madanmohan villages of Changual Gram Panchayat . Small cultural programme organize by Students and teachers.Students numbering 50 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a gloriouscultural function.

Swami Bibekananda Birth Day:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society teachers & Students are celebrate the birth day of SwamiBibekananda on 12th January 2022 at Kantageria villages of Changual Gram Panchayat of Kharagpur-II Block . Students numbering 50 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. The play was produced and children sang and danced enthrall the audience.

Netaji Subhash Ch. Bose Birth Day:

Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society volunteers, Teachers, children celibate on the birthday of NetajeeSubhash Chandra Bose on 23rd January 2022. There was prabhatpheri in the morning. After prabhatpheri there was a discussion session on Netajee life history. Teachers, Pradhan,panchayat of the area attend on the auspicious day.Students numbering 100 gathered in the session. The session was followed by a glorious cultural function. Theprogramme held on 23rd January 2021, at Organization office premises.

Republic Day:

Republic day is celebrating on 26th January 2022 at organization office. Flag-hoisting ceremonies are conducted all over the country. Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society volunteers, Teachers, children has been celebrated Republic Day and National Anthem was also Been sung Cultural programmed were awareness by the students.

Observe the International Important Day:

To maintain our internationals Heritage we already celebrate the Internationals important days as like asobservation day in the previous year. We celebrate and observed the

Women’s Day Progrmme: To commemorate the International women’s Day on 8th March,2022, around 200 women and men of different villages of our operational area came in procession to protest against atrocities and injustice inflicted on women in different pretext in this male dominated society. All these procession got converged at the campus of .Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society office. A street corner meeting was organizedon this occasion. Apart from a number of renowned social activists of the area, Advocate and local Gram Panchayat Pradhan participated in this meeting to encourage the process of women empowerment initiated by Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society.

International Yoga Day: Yoga Day celebrated by the organization volunteers, students, teachers, staff, members and mass on 21stJune 2021. Organization Yoga teacher start theYoga all are follow. Yoga teachers and specialist recourse person discuss the benefit of Yoga for human life. Total 150 number of people are participate on International Yoga Day.Theprogramme is held at Goushala Compound, Kantageria, Benapur.

International Language Day: To commemorate the International Matribhasa Dibas on 21th February 2022 around 160 Students, women and men came in procession from local area. Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society members are organize a seminar at puratan bazaar, kharagpur. This programme was held on 21st Feb 2022. Barnamala Educational and Cultural Society volunteers, Teachers, children has been celebrated International Language Day and Cultural programmed were awareness by the student.

World Literacy Day Programme: To commemorate the International Literacy Day on 8th September,2021, around 140 Students, women and men of different villages of our operational area came in procession .All these procession got converged at the campus of Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society office. A street corner meeting was organized on this occasion. Apart from a number of renowned social activists of the area , Advocate and local Gram Panchayat Pradhan participated in this meeting.

World AIDS DAY: To commemorate the International World AIDS Day on 1st December, 2021, around 240 women and men of different villages of our operational area came in procession to protest against HIV/AIDS A street corner meeting was organized on this Day. Apart from a number of renowned social activists of the area, Advocate and local Gram Panchayat Pradhan participated in this meeting to aware
about HIV/AIDS.

World Environment Day :-Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society members, teachers, student and volunteer are celebrates World Environmental Day at Madanman, Changual, PaschimMedinipur. This programme was held on 5th June 2021.

World Animal Welfare Day: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society members are organize a programme On 04-10-2021. At Kantageria village, around 120 local people present. Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Resource person are aware to people about World Animal Welfare Day.

Humans Right Day Programme:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society members are organize aprogramme On 10-12-2021. atMadanmohan village around 120 local people present. Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Resource person are aware to people on Human rights

Humanitarian Assistance:

The objective of the Society is to help the needy people to achieve and sustain a better quality of life and to strengthen their involvement, their rights and responsibility in the fast growing development of the country

Saree , Dhoti , Shirt Distribute to poor people: Barnamala Educational& Cultural Society Distribute 400 saree,200 Dhoti shirts to poor people on 15th August Independence Day 2021.

Schoolbag,books, khata,pen, pencil: Barnamala Educational& Cultural Society Distribute 400 School Bag, Books, Pen, Pencil, Khata poor students on Independence Day 2021.

Blankets distribute to poor people: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Distribute 180 Blankets to poor people on Gandhi Joyanti 2nd October 2021.

Distribute of Cloth, Rice, to Leprosy People: Barnamala Educational &Cultural Society Distribute 300 cloth and rice to leprosy people on Independence Day 2021.

Distribute Wheel Chair, Crèches to Disable People: Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society Distribute 4 no wheel chair and 12 no of crèches to disable people on Independence Day2021.

Art & Culture:

There is a rich tradition of culture in Paschim Medinipur district. Our motto is to promote and protect the traditional forms of culture.Changual Gram Panchayet of Kharagpur-II block is recognized as ITDP area by district authority. Tribal concentrations, mostly santal are SC ST in this G.P. SC have their rich cultural heritage their unique dance from with Madal and Dhamsa beats attract people irrespective of caste, religion, sex and class. But due to the effects urbanization, the tribals particularly the younger ones are learning towards hindi songs, hindi films and other modern media like idiot box etc. The organization has fell the importance of preserving traditional Santal folk lore, music, dance etc. Our efforts in this regards are presented as follows.

Classical Dancing Programme:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society organize a Classical dance programme on Independence Day 15th August 2021.Local & Classical Dance group perform their dance..

Classical Singing Programme:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society organize a Classical singing programme on Independence Day 15th August 2021.Local Classical singing group perform their song.

Speech Competition Programme:

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society organize a Speech Competition programme on Independence Day 15th August 2021.School Students are participate and speech.

Leadership Development Programme for Minority:

Women are marginalized. They don’t have either bargaining power or decision making power on the choice of their own in family or community. In this area of globalization and modern technological invasion, rural minority women in India are still the receiving end. This is due to several socio-economic factors. The organization has conducted Leadership Development Progrmme for Minority Womens at chakmakrampur auditorium hall. The organization provides them some service for their maternity health development by our voluntary workers. The packages of services are:
1. Skill Development.
2. Family counseling regarding personal life.
3. Counseling both individual and group.
4. Necessary information regarding personal life.
5. Nutrition Education.
6. Knowledge of personal health and hygiene.
7. Informal Education for social Security legal aid.
8. Recreation Sports and Culture.. Group Formation.

Own Project:

The society has leased some Agri. Land for Agricultural purposes. The modern agricultural system followed of these land. During the year we cultivated Paddy, potato, Vegetable, oil Seeds etc. Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society also product vermin compost and sale to farmer.


In terms of various activities, we engaged ourselves for most of the times conducting workshops of different kinds. Naturally the participants were also from different categories and segments of the society. We feel firmly that, any activities for the social development becomes effective and fruitful through the mental up liftment with benevolent attitude. As a society cannot have its existence without human being similarly no problems can be solved without dipping into its roots. We have been trying through our workshops with various types of classes with different ages and social surroundings for their up-liftment so that they taste a healthy social life and can sustain within that atmosphere. To achieve that value of life and create a healthy society some sort of tools are necessary to teach them. Those tools are nothing but Art and Culture. Those artistic and cultural activities do not end to presentation on stage but these cultural activities spread in the minds of men, on the streets and in natural surroundings under open sky. We have continued these cultural activities with different kinds of men at different place successfully this year also.