Who We Are

Barnamala Educational & Cultural Society is a not-for-profit organization based in Kharagpur Sub-Division, West Bengal. Established on 13th March 2005 and registered on 8th August 2005 under West Bengal Societies Regd. Act. (1961), the Society works in various sectors in Paschim Medinipur District and many other socially and economically under developed areas in West Bengal. The objective of the Society is tohelp the needy people to achieve and sustain a better quality of life and to strengthen their involvement, their rights and responsibility in the fast growing development of the country

Key Area of Concern


We work on promotion of education among children belongs to rural areas of West Bengal.


 Awareness generation camps are organized on various social issues and available schemes of the Government of India.


 Job Oriented Training Programme are organized for men and women with the help of other governmental and non-governmental organizations.


 Health Checkup camps and awareness programme are organized by the institution in various parts of West Bengal.

Child Development

 Various programmes are organized by our NGO for Child Development whith includes various compositions like Drawings, Singing, Dancing etc.

Legal Help

Legal Help is provided to persons with support of renowned lawyers in our project areas. 

Plantation Programme

Plantation programme are one of the major programme where we try our best to save the environment.

Old Age Care

 We are going to build up a dedicated center for taking care of old aged people of West Bengal.

From The Secretary's Desk

From The Secretary's Desk
Dear Friends,

Hi! How are you all? ‘Hope the year ended has given you some time to think and rethink about your next step of actions towards development. It’s a great pleasure for me to present the Annual Report (2020-2021) to share our Endeavour, achievement and impact in myriads of people centered rural development interventions carried in some disadvantaged villages of Paschim Medinipur District of the state of West Bengal keeping emphasis on the target people the poor, the marginalized, the dalits, the socially disadvantaged, the women and the children. Studying the impact of globalization and new economic policies, extreme polarization of haves and have not and political dichotomy offending adversely the poor specially the rural ones and smooth functioning of NGOs, we put special thrust to combat the situation on capacity building of our target people, optional mobilization and utilization of local resources in the development of the people and the area. We have also put special emphasis on gender development, women’s access to resources, responsible participation in democratic structure, and formation of Self Help Groups and thereby launch sustainable micro enterprise initiative towards selfreliance of women. This year we have undertaken No. of programmes in tune with the people and of the area. We have taken a definite step to preserve tribal’s culture by organizing several programmes for them and we have also tried to bring tribal culture and traditional folk culture of Bengal like Jatra, A Santal dramatic unit has been emerged as a conscience of our effects.

Moreover, I would not like to speak like a talk machine and prefer you to go through next few pages to assess and analyze what actually we have done in the context of development. I record deep appreciation for the co-operations, we have received for local self govt., different administrative functionaries and also for our own human resources and the people as all levels who shared their agonies as well as ecstasies for their commitment to develop a self reliant society in the barriers of constrains as well as hardships. We know, being a new comer in the development field we have to pass many hurdles, but that’s a way of life too!

Haripada Giri
